SPEKTA MEDIKA 2019 | The Existence of MLT for Facing The Distruptive Era and Welcoming The Abundance Era

Table of Contents
The Existence of MLT for Facing The Distruptive Era and Welcoming The Abundance Era

SPEKTA MEDIKA 2019 | The Existence of MLT fot Facing The Distruptive Era and Welcoming The Abundance Era

"The MLT's Perspective in Communicable Disease Examination Assisted By Renewable Technology"
Dr. Rahayu Anggraeni, M.Si (Dosen TLM UNUSA dan Sekretaris Kolegium TLM)

"Discovering The Medical Issues of Distruptive and Abundance Era"
Acep Tantan Hardiana, SKM,. M.Epid (Kepala manajemen PT. Biofarma)

"The Complexity of Health Bussines Managerial Planning"
Harianto, S,SI (Direktur Operasional Laboratorium Klinik Pramita)

"The Development of Human Resource to Conquer The Challanges of The Future MLT"
Entuy Kurniawan, S.Si., MKM (Ketua Jurusan TLM Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung)

Waktu dan Tempat :
Minggu, 01 Desember 2019
Pkl. 07.00 s.d Selesai
Direktorat Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung
Jl. Padjadjaran No. 56 

Biaya Registrasi :
- Mahasiswa Rp. 180.000
- Umum Rp. 195.000
- OTS Rp. 220.000

Fasilitas :
- Sertifikat 3 SKP PATELKI
- Seminar KIT
- Snack & lunch
- Ilmu Pengetahuan
Cara pembayaran melalui :
Bank BNI 
No. Rek : 613540043
a.n Ratri Shofia Nugroho

Formulir Pendaftaran : http://bit.ly/FormSeminarSpekta

Contact Person :
Fauzyah Rani : 0812 2143 1211

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